Permissions Overview
To automatically top up connects for your Upwork account, Getmany business manager requires your permission.
To enable the Auto Top-Up Connects feature follow these steps:
Grant permissions to our business manager
Enable the Auto Top-Up function
Set auto top-up limits
ℹ️ Info: Once these steps are completed, we will start purchasing Connects automatically.
Step 1: Grant permissions to Getmany business manager
To grant permission to our Business Manager follow these steps:
Go to Settings > Members & Permissions and click Invite New Member
Copy and paste the username of the manager you’re inviting (Upwork User ID)
Select the following permissions:
Click Invite
ℹ️ Info: The update to your permission status may take up to 30 minutes.
You’ll see the following pop-up notification once system synchronization is complete:
Please proceed with the Auto Top-Up Setup after permissions are granted.
Step 2: Enable Auto Top-Up Connects Feature
To enable the Auto Top-Up Connects feature either:
Click Manage in the top right corner, go to Account Settings > Auto Top-Up Connects, and turn the toggle switch on.
orClick Connects > Settings
Step 3: Auto Top-Up Limits and Notifications
Check Your Connects Balance
The top bar always shows the available Connects of your Upwork Agency. Click Connects to see the amount Used this month, Available in your balance, and Auto Top-Up Cpnnects Settings.
Set Auto Top-Up Limits
Once the Auto Top-Up feature is activated, adjust the default settings to set usage limits that suit your needs.
Connects per top-up is the number of Connects purchased in one transaction when the balance hits zero.
Connects per month is the total number of Connects that can be purchased monthly.
Default Auto Top-Up Settings
These limits are automatically applied when the feature is activated; you can customize them anytime:
Connects per top-up: 40 Connects
Connects per month: 400 Connects
Top-Up History
You can check your top-up history to see the top-up amount, date & time by simply clicking it on your Settings page.
Connects Balance Notifications
Our notification system will help you keep track of your Connects usage efficiently. We will inform you when you're out of Connects or your Connects balance is low, we refund or purchase Connects, either way when we couldn't top them up or have reached your monthly limit.
You can receive notifications automatically when your Connects balance gets low or when we top up your balance.
Enable Low Connects Balance toggle to get notified when your Upwork account runs out of Connects.
Switch on Auto Top-Up toggle if you want to receive notifications each time Connects are purchased for your account.
Ways to receive notifications
Opt for Telegram notifications through @getmany_app_bot or choose Slack or Discord as your preferred communication channels.
Auto Top-Up Connects Process Explained
We connect our business manager to your Upwork account and associate it with the initial payment method you've set up. Our business manager can only charge the account to purchase Connects with the necessary permissions.
Note: We only access permissions, not payment methods.